Heiner Müller


Heiner Müller, born in 1956, started his professional career in the graphic arts industry in 1980, as a sales representative in the international sales department of Krause Biagosch GmbH, Bielefeld, Germany.

Thereafter he became Sales Director Germany of the Swiss Chromos Group. 1990 he moved to Scitex, where he held various sales and management positions within the German organization. Amongst other things, he was responsible for the introduction of the IRIS digital proofing system in Germany, soon to be the most successful on the market worldwide.

After heading the international sales department of Dalim, Kehl and the position of Director Sales and Marketing at GMG, Tuebingen, he led the European sales organization of CGS Publishing Technologies Intl. since 2004. In 2012, he was appointed Key Account Director Europe, focusing primarily on the packaging market. Since 2020, he has become Sales Director Packaging, underlining the importance of this market segment.

Talk Title:

Surface Proof - beyond colors. An approach to proof the full appearance of a surface


John Patsavellas


Dr Madhu Kaushik